
Friday 29 July 2011

A Gmail Filter to Find your Most Important Emails

Your Gmail Inbox is overflowing with email messages. Some are newsletters that you are subscribed to, some are messages from friends and colleagues that you would like to read as soon as they arrive while the rest could be spam that managed to trick the built-in Gmail filters.

Focus on the Most Important Emails First!

important emailWhen you only have a limited amount of time to process that long queue of unread messages, it is important that you prioritize your emails and defer reading stuff that is not very important and can wait (like those newsletters).
Here are two simple Gmail filters that will automatically move out all the low-priority emails out of your Inbox so that you can focus on the important ones. They should also come handy when you are checking emails on the go – the high-priority items will be delivered to your mobile device while everything else will stay in your Gmail account for you to follow up later.

1. Filter out emails that are not addressed to you

If your name is not in the TO: or CC: field of an email message, chances are that you may not have to worry too much about responding to that message.
The following filter will automatically move messages out of your Inbox to another folder that are of less-priority as they are not addressed to your directly.

Check if Someone Else is Using Your Facebook Account?

Notice some suspicious activity on your wall? Well there some simple security settings built into Facebook – some of these settings are new while others have been around for some time – that should help you quickly detect if any other person is secretly logging into and using your Facebook account.
facebook account usage
Go to -> Account -> Account Settings -> Account Security. Here you’ll see a list of all computers and mobile devices that have logged into your Facebook account and when. You can also see the approximate geographic location of the device, based on the IP address, that was used to access your Facebook account.
If you come across an unknown device / location in the list, say you are Mac user and the device listed is IE on Windows, just click the corresponding “end activity” link and it should immediately log you out from that machine.
For extra safety, you may also choose to receive email and SMS alerts if someone else tries to log into your Facebook account from a previously unknown computer or mobile phone. (I wish Google could bring such a feature to Gmail as well).
The following video will walk you through all the security features available in Facebook to help keep your account secure. Some of the features, like one time passwords and secure browsing (https), are currently available in U.S. only.

How to Extract Image Frames from a Video File

video as image frames
Let’s say you have a video file that may be a scene from a DVD movie, a clip that you downloaded from YouTube, a screencast or something that you captured with your webcam. Here are some ways by which you can extract (still) image frames from the video file.
Option 1. If you want to save only a few frames from the video, you may do that manually using your existing media player itself – see detailed instructions on how to capture images from videos.
Option 2. If you wish to capture a sequence of images from the video, you may either useGOM Media Player or if your video file in the AVI format, use AV Cutty which will export the entire video in a series of image frames.
Option 3. Then there’s the popular VLC Media Player which is available on Windows, Mac and Linux and let you extract images through the command line. The good part about VLC is that it supports all the popular Video formats without you have to install codecs separately.
Here’s the command for extracting images using VLC:
C:\VideoLAN\VLC>vlc "C:\videos\" --video-filter=scene
   --vout=dummy --start-time=1 --stop-time=5 --scene-ratio=1
   --scene-prefix=img- --scene-path=C:\images\ vlc://quit
How VLC command works? is the full path of the video file while C:\images is the directory where we want to save the video thumbnails. The scene prefix is img meaning are thumbnails will be numbered as img1.jpg, img2.jpg and so on. The start and stop time specifies the time in seconds while the scene-ratio means that we want to output one image per frame.
Option 4. Finally, here’s something I prefer though it again involves the command line. Download the Win32 binary of ffmpeg here, extract the file and then use the following command to make image thumbnails of any video file.
c:\ffmpeg.exe -i c:\video\ –ss 10 –t 4
              -f image2 –sameq -vcodec mjpeg img-%03d.jpg 
How ffmpeg command works?
You specify the video path and file name with the –i parameter while –ss denotes the time from where you want to start extracting the image frames. The –t parameter denotes the video duration that should be converted into image thumbnails while img-%03d means that the output files will be named as img-001.jpg and so on.  You get better quality image thumbnails with the –sameq parameter.

Gmail Spear-Phishing Attacks Net FBI Scrutiny

Gmail Spear-Phishing Attacks Net FBI Scrutiny Google has disclosed that the Gmail accounts of several users were recently infiltrated by hackers who used spear-phishing techniques to gain access to and monitor their private correspondence. While the attacks were apparently limited to only a few hundred accounts, the individuals targeted include government officials, journalists and Chinese human rights workers. The FBI is investigating.
The Gmail accounts of hundreds of high-profile individuals were hijacked through a so-called spear phishing campaign originating in China, according to Google (Nasdaq: GOOG).
Hackers apparently gained access to users' accounts using passwords likely obtained through malicious software and targeted phishing techniques.
The individuals targeted included Chinese political activists, senior U.S. government officials, South Korean government officials and government workers of other Asian countries, journalists and military personnel.
On Thursday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters the FBI will investigate the matter.

How to Increases SEO Ranking?

What is SEO? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a technical of improving your pagerank in the search engine for a keyword. When a website has a high pagerank, it will be displayed in the top of search results list.

All time that you do searching on a search engine such as Google, Yahoo or MSN, you've ever click on the result that display in the next 2nd or 3rd page? 90% is rarely.
SEOTypically, if a website can display in the top of search results list, it will have more chances to get clicks that is a huge traffic from the search engine for free.
SEO is very important for your website. When you know how to implement SEO strategies you will see your organic traffic explode. If SEO of every page grow, your pagerank will grow and then a hurricane traffic will blow to every web page in your whole website.

How to Implement SEO on a Website

Before you start creating any pages for your website, you should research on keyword to make sure that keyword was actually being searched and was getting impressions and then write the article about that keyword (it's very important for SEO article writing). By the way, while you're writing an article, you should think about "title, meta tags, headlines, bold, italics, images, underline, external links (backlinks), internal links and contents".

SEO Tools

Every pages of your website should have:
  • Meta Tags: 10-15 keywords related to your article (Meta Tags). In the title (Meta Title) should include the keyword. In the description (Meta Description) should include 25-35 words in a sentence format and make sure your keyword is at the beginning of the description.
  • Title: Add your relevant keyword into the title of the article.
  • Keyword: The keyword should be linked once in the text (the keyword will be underlined in the copy).
  • Headlines: Make sure that you use the H1 and H2 tags in your article and write keyword targeted phrases in these tags. Many site designers completely fail to do this.
  • - H1: "How to Increases SEO Ranking" - it is so clear and meaningful for this article. This phrase is a top keyword in this page and also a popular keyword in Google. Why? Answer is that, you just type this phrase in Google search box you will see it appears a full phrase before you finished it. - H2: "How to Implement SEO in Website- it is not meaningful but it verify to a meaning of this article and it includes another keyword "SEO" that is a secret short-cut for Search Engine Optimization. (e.g., the H1 tag and the content) should be as close to the top of possible.
  • Bold, Italic & Underline: The Keyword should be BOLDITALIC or UNDERLINE once in the article.
  • Image: add your keyword to your image (Image description or title).
  • Internal Links: It’s best to do an internal link, either to the same page (same URL) or to another page or your blog or website that is relevant. You may also link to a relevant external site however this should be used sparingly or at least to high ranking sites like government sites or Wikipedia for example.
  • Backlinks: Link back to your page from external via the keyword by post some comments on forum and social media that have topic relevant to your article.
  • URL Signature: In your links don't forget include description on it.
  • Contents: Must be unique and useful for your visitors.

Then write your article based on ONLY THE BEST keywords. Since each article should focus on one or two keyword/phrases, this gives you the best chance at getting listed in the natural search results. Then submit your article to at least two article directory sites (don't use the same article, try to fix it different before submit, if not you will kill your SEO) such as: (PR.6) (PR.6) (PR.5) (PR.4) (PR.4) (PR.3)

Search Engines always look at the H1, H2, page title or page name to identify what the site is about. Google ranks a site on the basis of how many well-ranked sites link to it. That why some webmasters exploit this by swapping links with each other. This is a wrong idea, because right now Google not ranks such sites that link each other any more.

25 Great Facebook Tips and Tricks

1. Hide Your Online Status From Selected Friends:

So you want to use Facebook chat but don’t want some people to see your online status? Simply open up the Facebook Chat and click on Friends List. Start creating a new list called BlockList.
Once the list is created, add those friends to the list that you want to appear offline to. When the list is complete, hover your mouse to the little green icon adjacent to the list and click Go Offline. Bingo! You will now appear offline to everybody in the BlockList.

2. View a Friend’s Profile Without Messy Applications:

If you are like me, you often get annoyed by the dozens of silly applications that people have added to their profile. Here’s a Grease Monkey script that allows you to view any profile without all those applications. Remember: the Mozilla Firefox web browser is a prerequisite for running Greasemonkey.

3. Display Your Facebook Status On Your WordPress Blog:

Want to display your Facebook status updates on your WordPress blog? There is a plugin that does exactly that. StatusPress lets you display your status updates to a widget on your WordPress blog.

4. Access Facebook Chat Through Your Desktop:

No need to go to if all you want to do is use Facebook chat. You can do it right from your desktop using clients like , Adium or ChitChat.

5. Update Facebook Status From Firefox:

If you are a firefox addict you don’t need to use any other software to update your Facebook status. Simply install the FireStatus add-on and update your status right from your browser. You can also use the Facebook Toolbar to completely manage Facebook from your Firefox browser.

6. Create A Photo Collage From Pictures Of Your Facebook Friends:

Easily create a photo collage from profile pictures of all your Facebook friends using a simple Facebook app called Photo Collage.

7. Add A New friend But Hide It From Your Status Update:

A great tutorial by Tim Watson walks you through the process of hiding specific actions from your status updates.

8. Schedule Facebook Messages To Be Send Later:

If you want to schedule your Facebook messages to be send sometime in the future, Sendible is a great tool to do that. You can also use Sendible to schedule your status updates.

9. How To Share Flickr Photos On Facebook:

My Flickr is a Facebook application that lets you display your Flickr photos and photo sets on Facebook so your friends can view and comment on them without leaving Facebook.

10. How To Download Facebook Photo Albums:

Ever felt the need to download complete photo albums from Facebook. You can easily do it with either a Windows desktop application named FotoBounce or a great Firefox add-on FacePad.

11. Upload Photos On Facebook From Your Phone:

All the smart phones like iPhone and Blackberry make it simple to upload photos to your Facebook account but how would you do it if you have a regular phone? Here is a great tutorial to walk you through that.

12. Magic Circles On Facebook:

You might have heard about the Konami code that makes red blurry circles on your Facebook page. This might be one of the most popular Facebook hidden tricks. Here’s how to do it:
Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter key then press up & down & Magic circles will appear!
To stop them simply reload your page.

13. Use Your Facebook Like A Pirate:

Do you love talking like a pirate? You can set your Facebook to appear like a pirate page by going intoCurrent Language Settings and setting it to English (Pirate).
14. How To Insert Cool Symbols In Your Status Updates:
Make your status updates interesting by inserting cool symbols. Simply copying them from this list and pasting in your status updates.

15. Automatically Poke Friends That Poke You:

Don’t have enough time to poke back friends who poke you on Facebook? Automate it with a Grease Monkey script called Facebook Autopoke.

16. Upload Photos From PicasaTo Facebook:

Upload photos to your Facebook account directly from Picasa using the Picasa app for Facebook. You can also upload the Picasa captions and resize your photos before uploading them to Facebook.

17. Search Facebook Like A Pro:

Not everybody knows how powerful Facebook search is. Similar to any large search engine, Facebook search has a lot of advanced options to help you search like a pro. For example if you are looking for a person named John Marsh and filter your results down to only people who are married, you can try name: John Marsh status:married. A complete list of search tips for Facebook can be found here.

18. How To Update Facebook Status From Gmail:

Facebook gadget for Gmail allows you to update your Facebook status right from your Gmail.

19. How To Access Gmail From Facebook:

If you seldom have to leave Facebook just to go check your Gmail inbox, check out Fmail. It is a great application that lets you check your Gmail from within your Facebook inbox.

20. See Facebook Twitter style:

If you love Twitter more than Facebook, you can view your Facebook just like you view your Twitter usingthis grease monkey script.

21. Import Facebook Friends To Twitter:

FB140 is a simple tool that lets you find all your Facebook friends that are using Twitter so you can easily follow them.

22. Access Facebook From Microsoft Outlook:

This is a great tip for people attending colleges or working in places that block Facebook, but allow you access to Microsoft Outlook. Simple install the FBlook plugin and access Facebook from Outlook.

23. Display Your Facebook Status Upside Down:

This is a cool and fun trick. To display upside down status updates, simply head over to FlipText and type in your status. Then simply click on Flip Text and copy-paste the upside down text into your Facebook status box.

How to Select All Friends Automatically to Invite to a Page or Group on Facebook

facebook now is a biggest social network in the world and it becomes more and more popular every day. Right now Facebook has more than 350 millions users around the world. 175 million users still log in to Facebook every day, Facebook COO said. And Facebook limit the number of friends that you can have only 5,000 friends.
So what will you do if you have thousand of friends and wish to invite them to join your Facebook page or a new group? Yes, it is really annoying as you are unable to select all friends to join at once automatically.
Usually when you want to invite your friends, you have to click on the link“Suggest to friends” from your page or group, you will have to select each friend one by one manually that is a terrible action, because Facebook does not allow selecting all friends at once automatically.
But if you know about this code, you just spend only 3 seconds to finish your terrible job just by inserting a little javascript code to your web browser address bar (after you click on “Suggest to friends”) and then press Enter. All your friends will be selected and you just click "Send Invitations" button is done.

Step to Invite All Friends to Join a Page or Group

  • Open your page or group.
  • Then click “Suggest to friends”.
  • Copy the javascript code as below and paste into your web browswer address bar.
  • Then press Enter.
  • Done.

Javascript Code:



javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){[fid]);}}

If you have any problems or need support, please leave us a comment as below. Thanks.
Good Luck